It’s time to meet your infradian rhythm!

Now if you've had a scroll through any of my previous posts, you'll probably notice that I love to talk about the moon - and this post is no different! But this time, I'm talking about our inner moon cycle, also known as our infradian rhythm.
You might be wondering what our menstrual cycles have to do with the moon? So before we go any further, let me just explain a little...
For centuries, women have had a potent connection with the moon - it is the symbol of the goddess and the embodiment of divine feminine energy and has often been linked to fertility.
A full lunar cycle lasts from one new moon to the next and takes 29.5 days. The average menstrual cycle is also around 28–29 days long. Just like the moon moves through 4 distinct phases (new moon, waxing moon, full moon, waning moon), we also move through 4 phases in our cycle (menstrual, follicular, ovulation, luteal). Our ancestors would therefore use the moon and her phases to track menstruation and ovulation.
Tapping into her energy can also help you connect to the flow of the universe, as the moon is a gentle reminder that life is not linear, there will always be a natural ebb and flow as we move through days of rest and reflection and peak energy.
If you have been lucky enough to stumble across Alisa Vitti's book In the FLO, you will know what I'm talking about here (and if not, go check her out and all the awesome things she's doing for period biohacking!).
But first, let me start by brushing up on our circadian rhythm. You may have heard this term floating around in relation to sleep before? That's because, inside all of us, we have a circadian rhythm that regulates our daily bodily processes, including digestion, body temperature, metabolism, sleep, elimination and the production of certain hormones such as cortisol. This clock ticks into action the day you were born and it continues every 24hours, until the day you die.
Men’s hormones follow the same predictable pattern every day: they align with the 24-hour circadian clock.

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Women follow this rhythm each day, but we also have a second internal timekeeper.
Our bodies follow a 28-day infradian rhythm that is connected to our menstrual cycle. This second clock has a strong influence on our brain chemistry, metabolism, immune system, microbiome, stress response system, and reproductive system.
This means that unlike men, who might wake up each day and feel the same, women have another influence that affects their physiology, and this second clock can impact the way you feel, think and respond each day.

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Our bodies and brains are different during each phase of our cycle, so our food, exercise, and self-care should be different each week, too.
Just like the moon teaches us that there is a time for being and a time for doing, so does our internal moon cycle (infradian rhythm). The secret lies in timing your life with your inner moon cycle rather than just simply adhering to the 24-hour clock.
Let me ask you a question, on the days before your period, do you really feel like your most energetic, social, vibrant self? That's because your hormones have shifted, your energy has turned inwards, and your brain isn't set up to start new projects and power through your to-do list. So rather than feeling guilty and comparing yourself to how you felt this time last week when you were more optimised to tackle everything the world threw at you, instead you can tap into the wisdom of your cycle and respond in a way that is right for you.
Tuning into my inner moon cycle opened my eyes to a whole new female-centred way of living. Rather than living in the rigid, repetitive and structured nature of the masculine, I was able to tap into my feminine and live with flow and ease. This allowed me to achieve more whilst enjoying the process and protecting my energy.

Once you understand your own infradian rhythm and live according to it, you will find yourself become a much happier, calmer, and healthier person. Naturally, you will also be more productive in anything you do and more satisfied in your relationships. One of the most recognized signs of hormonal imbalance in women is a disruption in the menstrual cycle. This could appear as a missed period, PMS, irregular bleeding pattern or as severe as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) - so living aligned with your inner moon cycle can help you balance your hormones and live a PMS free life!
Love Charlotte x