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Seeds have quite possibly become one of my most favourite ingredients to add to my diet, and during my HA recovery, they quickly became my most used!

Whether you are on the road to recovering your period, balancing your hormones, reducing PMS symptoms, low estrogen, estrogen dominance, PCOS, improve skin, hair & nail health, boost mood or assist with peri & post-menopausal symptoms - seed cycling is here to help!

Seed cycling is a simple and inexpensive way to use Mother Nature’s goodness to your advantage to balance your hormones and even kick-start your period!

It works by rotating different seeds to nourish different phases of the menstrual cycle which will aid in supporting the optimal hormonal balance of estrogen and progesterone. These two hormones are key in regulating our menstrual cycles, but if out of balance, it can lead to menstrual irregularities, amenorrhea, painful periods, heavy bleeding, acne and PCOS symptoms.

Through mindful combination and timing of seed cycling, you can help restore your body’s natural hormonal rhythm and energy levels (not to mention all the other amazing benefits like glowing skin, reduced inflammation, improved cholesterol).

So what are these magical seeds you might be asking? Well, they are simply flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and sunflower seeds. HOW DOES IT WORK? Our female cycle is divided into four phases, menstruation, follicular phase, ovulation, and the luteal phase. This typically lasts an average of 28 days (for the purpose of seed cycling I will reference a 28-day cycle, but if you have a longer or shorter cycle than this don’t worry, you can adapt the time frames to suit you). If your cycle is irregular and does not fall between an average range of 24-35 days, I recommend you work off a 28day menstrual cycle as this will help regulate your cycle and encourage it to balance itself out naturally. Days 1-14 (menstruation to ovulation): eat pumpkin seeds and flaxseeds. Days 15-28 (ovulation to menstruation): eat sunflower seeds and sesame seeds.

If you have amenorrhea (no period) seed cycling can still be used by following the lunar cycle and rotating the different seeds with the phases of the moon.

Days 1-14 (new moon to full moon): eat pumpkin seeds and flaxseeds.

Days 15-28 (full moon to new moon): eat sunflower seeds and sesame seeds.

As we have just entered the new moon phase, I have included a recipe for my follicular phase seed cycling balls! However, If you are following along and are not in this phase of your cycle, download my free eBook below for additional recipes for the ovulation & luteal phase.


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